About Islam Expose’

What You Don’t Know Could Kill You!

Who is Dr. Khadim al Masih?

That is an “open-book mystery!” Khadim al Masih in Arabic means “Servant of the Messiah” in English. DKaM is a Christian missionary educator-evangelist who has ministered since 1988, and in the developing world since 1991. He teaches Christian leaders at the bachelor level in the areas of: Bible, Theology, and Ministry. As an evangelist DKaM has preached in open-air Gospel meetings to large crowds, winning thousands of people to Jesus Christ  over the years. DKaM has preached on TV and internet since 2015, reaching many morefor the Kingdom of God.
Even though DKaM has been a spiritual leader and minister, he knew nothing about islam until he began to study it beginning in 2006. What he has learned is shocking. What is more shocking is how little Christians know about the biggest murder machine in history, the biggest murder machine of Christians, and the biggest destroyer of the church – Islam. Sadly, even many Muslims know little about Islam’s bloody and shameful history. It is for this reason DKaM is compelled to EXPOSE the darkness of Islam through this Website and other media. Only the Light of the World: Jesus Christ has the power to transform lives in this life and prepare them for eternal heavenly glory with Yahweh. DKaM does not hate Muslim people,  but he does hate the antichrist ideology of Islam.
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Khadim al Masih

Almighty God (Yahweh) does not need to be defended.

Islam Expose´ highlights issues concerning the history, writings, and belief system of Islam; comparing and contrasting it to Christianity and post-modern thought.

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